
Software Developer @ThoughtWorks


Recently there's a friend ask a question in a tech group chat, he said that:

In the implementation of CopyOnWriteArrayList.add(E e), why the writer assign the final field lock to a local variable ?

Then he posted a picture like this:

When I open my local JDK source and get CopyOnWriteArrayList.add(E e), I found that the implementation of add(E e) in my version of JDK (jdk-15) has already refactored to just use synchronized key word (since now the performance is better than ReentrantLock) .

Actually the picture's version of CopyOnWriteArrayList.add(E e) is contained in JDK 1.8, so I switch my jdk version, and found the code, then I fell into thought...

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Ring Buffer

Ring Buffer 是一种极其简单的数据结构,它具有如下常见的特性:

  • 容量固定的有界队列,进出队列操作不需要整体移动队内数据
  • 内存结构紧凑(避免 GC),读写效率高(常数时间的入队、出队、随机访问)
  • 难以扩容
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最近我正在阅读一本我的几个同事一直在写的书的草稿,书名叫 Rest In Practice。他们写这本书的目的,是为了解释怎么样用 Restful web 服务来处理企业中经常面对的许多集成问题。这本书的核心概念是,web 是一种对大规模可扩展分布式系统能够工作良好的一个真实证明,并且,我们能够从中总结出一些如何更简单的构建集成系统的想法。

图 1:走向 REST

作者们使用了一种由 Leonard RichardsonQCon 大会上介绍的“restful 成熟度模型” ,来帮助解释 web-style 系统的特定属性。该模型是理解如何使用这类技术的一个好办法,因此我想尝试用自己的方式来解释它。(这里用到的协议示例仅仅用于展示,我并不觉得它值得用代码和测试来表述,因此在细节上可能存在些许问题。)

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从 Java 9 开始,jdk 中提供了一个全新的类用于部分替代原本 Unsafe 所承担的偏底层的工作,即 java.lang.invoke.VarHandle

新颖的是,在 VarHandle 中定义了对变量以不同的 Memory Order 来进行访问的几种模式:



那么,该如何理解 VarHandle 、Memory Order、lock-free 这些概念之间的关系呢?接下来我们会从底层说起,一步步将他们串起来。

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但凡提到 JUC,就一定会提到 AQS,我们能找到各种各样的文章,来分析 AQS 的实现原理,使用方法等。其原因,不仅是因为通过 AQS,JDK 衍生出了各种各样的同步工具,也因为 AQS 的优秀设计,能够使用户以非常简单的代码就能实现安全高效的同步,同时还能兼顾扩展性。

本文通过分析 AQS 的实现,来展现其优秀的设计架构与代码模型。

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Farewell 2020

2020 is so special to the world. The influence of COVID-19 seems far more seriously and deeply than many people‘s estimation.

Even if the successful reaction by China government, the epidemic still cause obvious impact to every single man in this country. My salary raise frozen six months, the recruitment market seems shrink, and my company have to take many tough projects to make more money for survive.

In my feelings, time elapse so fast at 2020, one moment I were a huge musk to buy living materials, one moment it's already summer. One moment we celebrate the new year, one moment another Christmas have passed. I continue anxious about future, and continue use coding/reading to restrain it.

At the end of this year, I may say no matter it's a good year or bad year, the earth is still spinning, people we love are still getting old, and our life is still moving forward.

If use one phrase to make a conclusion, I think it will be ”basically satisfied“.

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本文是对 《Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database》的翻译,原文请见:https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//archive/spanner-osdi2012.pdf


Spanner 是 Google 的可伸缩、多版本、全球分布且同步复制的数据库。它是首个在全球范围分布数据且支持外部一致性分布式事务的系统。本文描述了 Spanner 的结构、特性集、其多项设计决策下蕴含的理论基础以及一个能够暴露时钟不确定性(clock uncertainly)的新颖的时间 API。该 API 及其实现是作为关键角色来支撑外部一致性和其他许多涉及整个 Spanner 的强大特性,如对过往数据的非阻塞读(nonblocking read in the past),无锁的读事务,原子的 schema 变更等。

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